Photocopy Masters to help you create your displays and environment
Mastery in Maths, a link to OUP. A rich professional learning experience. Mike Askew introduces the highly effective pedagogy- Mastery in Maths
Using Manipulatives - 'How to' videos and other resources
What is dyscalculia? - Mahesh Sharma
Numicon resources
- Mathsbot website - virtual manipulatives
- Place Value files
Cuisenaire resources
Cuisenaire history video
Cuisenaire Mats on NZ Maths
Cuisenaire with fractions on NZ Maths
Te Reo Maths Ataarangi on NZ Maths
Te Reo Maori - The Silent Way
Akomanga - The Silent Way - Wellington
Seasonal and social resources
Year 2 Bridging through multiples of ten
Year 4 Developing fluency in writing multiplication sentences
Posters to use in the classroom and students' books
Suitable for printing and laminating for classroom display ...
Games and money
Use these files to create counting and equivalence activities with coins. 1c, 2c and 5c coins are included to teach equivalence and patterning or +, -, x, /, that can also be applied to counting dollar coins. These smaller coins are included to help children understand the significance of a 10c coin and compare its relative value to a $1 and $2 coin and then onto the note values. ...
NZ Coins to use with activities in Numicon 1 and 2. ...
THINK BOARD to give students a rich understanding of concepts
Numicon Online
An extensive and continually updated library of professional learning videos, Software, Teaching Handbooks, files of photocopy masters, lesson plans, display files, assessment files for your school. More information
- In addition, Firm Foundations Online for New entrant/Year 1 classes - a separate subscription