Managing the transition to Intermediate and Secondary
Are your students in Years 6 - 9 struggling with Maths and not making expected progress?
Numicon Big Ideas is a 12-week programme for students who would benefit from revisiting or learning for the first time, key concepts from Levels 1, 2 and 3 of the NZ Curriculum.
Big Ideas was originally written as a catch-up for students in Years 5 onwards, but with the impact of the Covid epidemic this resource has shown to make a significant difference for students in Years 6 - 9.
Using the proven approach, Big Ideas reteaches these concepts, using structured apparatus to teach, reinforce and embed the ideas. It will also break down any misconceptions a student might have. The key mathematical ideas are common areas for everyone learning maths and how to solve problems.
These Big Ideas are: Place value and the number system, addition, subtraction, mulitplication, division, fractions, decimals and percentages.
Getting Started
Purchase Big Ideas Teaching Guide and the accompanying apparatus packs.
Join our course -either in person or online via Edushop
Contact us through our facebook group Numicon NZ Users or contact one of our consultants for more help in getting started.
Big Ideas free files
Big Ideas is an intervention/catch-up programme for students in Years 6 and above.
BIG IDEAS sample and supporting files with NZ money.
Checklist for understanding
Photocopy Masters adapted for NZ:
Place Value Chart including decimals