You will see below tutors who use Numicon in their private practice.

If you are wanting Professional Development for your school contact us here.

Find a tutor in your area who uses the Numicon Approach.

If you cannot find one, contact SPELD. Some members are trained to support students with Dyscalculia.  They may or may not use Numicon.

If you are a tutor trained to use Numicon and would like your name added to the list please contact us


Nicolle Oldham


Gina Schuwer -  Devonport . 027 410 6871

Angela Neville - Orewa - Love of Learning

Sarah de Raat Enrich Tutoring Limited - 0279475999

Katie Blow  Remuera - phone 0210511559

Wellington - Hutt Valley

Melissa Carrere - website

Kirsten Finlayson (Lower Hutt) - Prime Time Learning

Also many SPELD tutors including:

John Harward -

Christina Moroney -


Anne Theobald -


Claire Horncastle

Dr Anna Wilson

Zest 4 Maths "Tuition that really works"
Phone: 021 187 6086


Vicki Penfold